1. My mom sure could use one of those Google PCs.

    She's a veteran school teacher. She doesn't like using computers and hates the fact that she has to configure them for the wifi connection. She currently owns a windows vista laptop (her first PC) but she never uses it because it's hard for her to configure wifi at home and at work and Mac is too expensive. She doesn't quite like the word processor because it's too complicated for her (too many features). She only knows how to use gmail and how to search. And that's all she'll ever want a computer for.

    So, as soon as those Chromebooks start selling for less than $300 (and if they sell with a built-in 3G subscription), I'll buy one for her. She'll get instant access to her Google account, including gmail, gtalk, google search and the internet. She'll eventually learn how to use google docs. No worries, no hassles for her thanks to the *stateless* hardware of the Chromebook. The fact that the hardware is *stateless* means that zero-configuration is required. Zero as in nada or zilch. That is what I call disruptive computing.

Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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