What is it Snowden, Assange, Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen share in common?
Collaboration 2.0, where are we?
Collaboration 2.0, where are we?
Moving from a file-system to a tweet-system
Google is an advertisement company. Apple is a leisure-time company.
Google is an advertisement company. Apple is a leisure-time company.
Going to Codebits 2010
Going to Codebits 2010
Tracking the impact of your business cards on your Google profile stats
Tracking the impact of your business cards on your Google profile stats
Android is for tasks and Chrome is for data.
Android is for tasks and Chrome is for data.
The state of the webtop: where are we going?
The state of the webtop: where are we going?
Should I get an iPad or a Chrome OS for my mom?
Should I get an iPad or a Chrome OS for my mom?
On the Google Chrome OS and my mom
On the Google Chrome OS and my mom
My late 2003 vision seems to materialize: Chrome OS is here!
My take on cloud computing
My take on cloud computing
The iPhone needs glasses
The Future Of Hand-Held Devices...
Syntax Highlighter
Syntax Highlighter
Lolcats on my google mobile app
Lolcats on my google mobile app
Sapo codebits 2008
Sapo codebits 2008
Location and social networks on the iphone
Post - Shift'08
Post - Shift'08
Shift.pt starting tomorrow
Shift.pt starting tomorrow
Wordle: beautiful tag clouds
Wordle: beautiful tag clouds
Fire Eagle and Tarpipe: two ways to avoid battery-drain on your mobile
Fire Eagle and Tarpipe: two ways to avoid battery-drain on your mobile
Will Google collapse by 2011?
Why is Chrome a big deal?
Why is Chrome a big deal?
Semapedia, or, how to link the real world to wikipedia
Evernote: extend your memory beyond an elephant's.
Evernote: extend your memory beyond an elephant's.
The iphone 3G is a pocket satellite.
How to receive free SMS alerts using Twitter
How to receive free SMS alerts using Twitter
3G iPhone on the 11th July, in a store nearby you in Portugal
3G iPhone on the 11th July, in a store nearby you in Portugal
"If you're going to BarCamp ..."
"If you're going to BarCamp ..."
Slide, gliding photos the web-way
Slide, gliding photos the web-way
I now live in a Wizi world! How about you?
I now live in a Wizi world! How about you?
BlogBard Radio Station
BlogBard Radio Station
Organizing a trip with friends the wiki-way
Organizing a trip with friends the wiki-way
Mathtex bookmarklet
Mathtex bookmarklet
God is Love ... Is Google Trust?
Google MyLocation, Yahoo ZoneTag: Web2.0 shifts to mWeb
AlchemyPoint unleashed! The mashup monster.
AlchemyPoint unleashed! The mashup monster.
Google does Powerpoint
ajaxWindows - Your Desktop Anywhere
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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