Is Cinch really better than Twitter and Evernote?
There were a lot of reactions around the last post on Cinch. And some folks might be curious about the service and the iPhone app. So I decided to write a follow-up post (the title is possibly borrowed from someone else by now).
Cinch, the iPhone app, allows to share audio-notes taken with the iPhone, complemented with a photo and a 140 chars message. Cinch also works with regular mobile phones as you can call a Cinch number and record your audio-notes. Your "cinches" are forwarded on RSS stream and they'll pop-up in your Google reader, Twitter and facebook stream in near real-time (as good as it gets - except for Google reader, as I don't think they use the pubsubhubhub tech, yet).
Cinch, the iPhone app, allows to share audio-notes taken with the iPhone, complemented with a photo and a 140 chars message. Cinch also works with regular mobile phones as you can call a Cinch number and record your audio-notes. Your "cinches" are forwarded on RSS stream and they'll pop-up in your Google reader, Twitter and facebook stream in near real-time (as good as it gets - except for Google reader, as I don't think they use the pubsubhubhub tech, yet).