Last week I went to codebits, the 24/3 hackers contest organized by the portal And it was awesome! I had loads of fun, learned tons of stuff, met a bunch of new and interesting people, worked on my tech social network, etc, etc...
The organization was perfect (some sapo team members are the organizers of the famous Shift conference). We had free wifi, free pizza for lunch AND for dinner, 24/3 free fruit, candy bars, chips, sodas, water, all inclusive and in abundance. Never was I found short on anything of those precious resources. That's pretty impressive in my book. Loads of puffs, loads of tables and chairs. We had xboxes, playstations and wiis to relax. All that with cool lighting in an open-space environment. All you had to do was to bring your laptop. Heck, that's a programmers paradise. The only single itch was that there only was two internet wires available per tables of six laptops. That combined with frequent wifi jams. But still, that wouldn't stop us from coding hard.
The main buzzwords that got wired into my brain were xfn, xmpp, couchdb, erlang and javascript. The talk that impressed me and inspired me the most was Mario Valente's talk über server sided javascript.
Over 580 participants presented roughly 80 projects built during the 24 hour contest. I met and teamed with @arturmartins and we built an xmpp bot which can be invited to chat with at We called it "Codebits spy, #27". The bot yields the latest rfid location of the participants at the event, provided the user inputs a name or an id. It works quite nicely IMO, but sadly another participant also presented the exact same concept. I guess that was a pretty obvious and rather easy thing to do... Another easy and obvious thing to do was the codebits buzz page, which I implemented an iPhone version, only to find out later that the codebits organization already had a web-based identical version of it...
A lot of projects were really fun and interesting. Loads of rails web2.0 apps, a cool miniature remote truck commanded from a web interface with a camera-mount; powerful apps containing data-harnessing algorithms; mashups; a million-dollar world app; and so many other cool stuff I can't remember...
I think I'll integrate all the xmpp bots I'll build into @als and @rubenfonseca's github served modular xmpp bots project in the future... By the way, @rubenfonseca developed an historical database of the participants' rfid location. So, kudos to him.
Some easter eggs found were the Magellan laptop cluster, the chumby column, the Meo box-tv with messenger functionality, the arcade workshop, #anita became the fastest twitter meme ever,and more, many more...
All-in-all, it was great. And I'll be there next year!

What is it Snowden, Assange, Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen share in common?
Below is a screenshot of the most interesting article of 2013, period. Written by one the most-influentials "good" guys of world, Julian Assange. The article deals about the promiscuity between Google top-notch executives and the White House, and how it affects both institutions policies, at the expense of the people's freedom and will. Below the article I share with you some notes I've taken.
Assange sums it all up to us in two words: "Jared Cohen", and a question "Who is he? ". It's worth it to check him out. I googled him to find out he's a futurist thinker, thinking about the disruptive reach social networks and, now, context networks can attain, world-domination-wise. A megalomaniac thinker surely, with the wits, the will, the intuition, the perception and the goal.
Assange sums it all up to us in two words: "Jared Cohen", and a question "Who is he? ". It's worth it to check him out. I googled him to find out he's a futurist thinker, thinking about the disruptive reach social networks and, now, context networks can attain, world-domination-wise. A megalomaniac thinker surely, with the wits, the will, the intuition, the perception and the goal.
Collaboration 2.0, where are we?
Back in 2005 I was really excited about the web2.0 concepts, the web-based APIs, mashups, and all the new publishing tools that was later to be known by 2008 as "social-media". However, back then, it really wasn't the modern facebook-ish "social-media" model that was tingling my neurones; it was rather the emergent nature of these disruptive new tools such as blogs, wikis and web-based productivity apps such as Google Docs or Zoho.
4 was bought by Facebook and this makes furious
Because now, all the links that I had disseminated through the web with mine and my wife's phd thesis are gone. Not a good thing for the sake of publishing, right? There used to be a time when I could feel a service would be good enough so that it wouldn't fail its users. Now it appears that good enough means being bought by some bigger fish and not caring about their former users.
I trusted with a whole semester of data from my classes.
I trusted with a whole semester of data from my classes.
Moving from a file-system to a tweet-system
Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook ... what is the REAL future of computing, as seen from 2010?
I don't know, exactly. In my last post I simply summed up Google to an advertisement company and Apple to a leisure-time company. And indeed, I still think it is what they are, and what they focus first to become, consciously.
I don't know, exactly. In my last post I simply summed up Google to an advertisement company and Apple to a leisure-time company. And indeed, I still think it is what they are, and what they focus first to become, consciously.
Google is an advertisement company. Apple is a leisure-time company.
Somebody wrote a while ago:
Google is an advertising company that builds popular services that command large audiences.
To which I add:
Apple is a leisure company that builds popular media-platforms that command large audiences of media-consumers.
And, to my insistence, beyond games/apps, music, movies, tv-shows, books and magazines, Apple will try hard to become a vacations, travel and experiences re-seller. It's the natural next-step for them ...
Google is an advertising company that builds popular services that command large audiences.
To which I add:
Apple is a leisure company that builds popular media-platforms that command large audiences of media-consumers.
And, to my insistence, beyond games/apps, music, movies, tv-shows, books and magazines, Apple will try hard to become a vacations, travel and experiences re-seller. It's the natural next-step for them ...
Going to Codebits 2010
I just got accepted to the most awesome workshop in the whole world, organized right here in Lisbon, the Codebits 2010, promoted by,
I'll be staying three days, in a row, in a big room packed with free wifi and free cable net access, unlimited free pizza, free cokes, free chocolate bars and a horde of PT finest geeks. I'll participate and assist to the biggest festival of creativity in PT geekdom. Missed it last year.
I'll be staying three days, in a row, in a big room packed with free wifi and free cable net access, unlimited free pizza, free cokes, free chocolate bars and a horde of PT finest geeks. I'll participate and assist to the biggest festival of creativity in PT geekdom. Missed it last year.
Tracking the impact of your business cards on your Google profile stats
One of the biggest pain in the butt after an exciting conference/workshop/meeting is inputing all your fresh new contacts business cards info into your digital mail/phonebook. This is a problem. An unsolved one too.
Another problem, is that you don't know who, from the meeting, after you gave them your contact, actually checked you out afterwards. You can't tell how many checked on you neither.
Here's an elegant and smart solution to alleviate this problem, provided it gets widely adopted.
Another problem, is that you don't know who, from the meeting, after you gave them your contact, actually checked you out afterwards. You can't tell how many checked on you neither.
Here's an elegant and smart solution to alleviate this problem, provided it gets widely adopted.
Android is for tasks and Chrome is for data.
Android is for tasks, life-hacks, body-hacks, and Chrome is for organized data, information.
At some point in the foreseeable future I expect to see an elegant merger where a next-gen browser will be the sole platform. But first, the life/body-hacks platform will need to walk the walk it has to walk, and I expect it to be, at least, a five-years march.
At some point in the foreseeable future I expect to see an elegant merger where a next-gen browser will be the sole platform. But first, the life/body-hacks platform will need to walk the walk it has to walk, and I expect it to be, at least, a five-years march.
FWD: The state of the Webtop: where are we going?
I'm reposting this entry posted back in April, in order to test some problems I'm having with the commenting systems...
Hello all, it's been a while since my last post. These last months were spent mostly dedicated to finish my unfinished thesis - Ever heard of PhD comics? No? Well, it works better than Dilbert for me. Here's a nice one ...
Hello all, it's been a while since my last post. These last months were spent mostly dedicated to finish my unfinished thesis - Ever heard of PhD comics? No? Well, it works better than Dilbert for me. Here's a nice one ...
The state of the webtop: where are we going?
Hello all, it's been a while since my last post. These last months were spent mostly dedicated to finish my unfinished thesis - Ever heard of PhD comics? No? Well, it works better than Dilbert for me. Here's a nice one ...