Google just launched earlier this week the new google mobile app with voice search. Now, we always went extatic in this blog, whenever a new web-based app with text-to-voice or voice-to-text features would come around. We all remember the twitterfone and the cinch blogtalkradio concepts and we're still thinking on how huge their impact will be in the info-included community.

It's been over a year since Tim O'Reilly, the great web2.0 visionary and O'Reilly media books founder, noted that google was actually harvesting and harnessing precious voice-recognition data from their Goog-411 phone search. It's also been a year since Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, warned that 2008 was all about "mobile, mobile, mobile".

Last week I went to codebits, the 24/3 hackers contest organized by the portal And it was awesome! I had loads of fun, learned tons of stuff, met a bunch of new and interesting people, worked on my tech social network, etc, etc...

The organization was perfect (some sapo team members are the organizers of the famous Shift conference). We had free wifi, free pizza for lunch AND for dinner, 24/3 free fruit, candy bars, chips, sodas, water, all inclusive and in abundance.

Here are some location based tools that I use on the iPhone. Some are social canvas, some are useful tools.

Google Maps

I use it to:

Locate me.

Search places.

Bookmark places.

Find routes.


Unique features:

Built in iPhone.

Street view (coming to Europe, one country at a time).

navigation system.

Google Earth

I use it to:

locate me.

search places.

do 3D earth exploration.

browse nearby Wikipedia and Panoramio entries.

Unique features:

3D flight mode.
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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