Last week I went to, a conference about new technologies, society and the web, organized and sponsored by There I've acquainted a bit more with Pedro Custódio and his team/friends, as well as a whole new bunch of very interesting people.
Here's an excerpt of a mail (addressee anonymacy kept) I wrote today that tells a long way about what are my expectations on shift, the web2.0 and society conference happening in Lisbon the 15th, 16th and 17th October 2008.

Dear Mr.
Wordle is an instant, genuine, original, art creating engine that leverages on the single most creative content originator on the whole galaxy: YOU.

Wordle is BEAUTIFUL because YOU are BEAUTIFUL.
One of the interesting things about web-wired mobile devices, is the ability to quickly geolocate the user, either by GPS, either by cell-tower antenna id, either by networked wifi ip.
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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