The people at thinkeyetracking have conducted a research on search behavior. They analyzed humans while googling by mapping their eyeball tracks.

They exposed these tracks as heat maps (as seen on the left and middle panels of the figure below, for the years of 2005 and 2008, respectively), and spotted a disturbing trend:

People went from eyeballing search-results throughout several pages in 2005, to eyeball only the top-three results of the list in 2008!

At this pace, we can easily prognose that by 2011, the famous Google-ish Feeling Lucky button that jumps right to the first result by skipping search results page, will be renamed Go To The Result button, as mocked on the figure's right panel.

Google just launched today their new open-source browser called Chrome. They're now adding a new element to the browser wars along with IE, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera. This is a really smart move from Google towards building their Google OS.

So, will I use it as my preferred browser? Well, YES and NO. YES, as I will use it to quick launch my gmail, reader, igoogle, gdocs and blogger apps (each taking around 50MB in machine memory resources).
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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