Evernote is an interesting web service that stores all your notes, audio-notes, and snapshots and archives them for you. It then allows you to perform text search on them, even inside images. That is a really cool feature!

I've been using it with a camera-phone to quick and safely store my business card contacts. It could work better. Indeed, the iphone camera can't do macro shots nor focus properly, so I need to take extra care when taking shots. Still, sometimes, it doesn't seem to work. Below you can see a search I made for "Moura", a contact and good friend of mine.

I do hope these guys can improve their text-in-images searching algorithm; and when they do so, my life will be a lot more convenient!

BTW, I expect Google to either buy them or make its own text-in-image search engine.

Ever worked with satellite engineering teams? I have. I had some experience in the AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control Systems) subsystem team in the ESA-SSETI program, designing ESEO, a micro-satellite designed to take space pictures and do some simple science, while I was an undergrad student. Ok, we were all students, and most of us were complete noobs at satellite engineering. Most of us remained so afterwards. Cool times though.

Basically, AOCS is the satellite navigation subsystem.

In this post I will show you how to subscribe to twitter to receive free sms alerts on your cell phone. You can receive live soccer goals, weather forecasts, traffic alerts, the IST canteen menu, you name it ...

UPDATE 2008-08-27: DISCLOSURE 1: SMS ALERTS AREN'T FREE IN THE U.S. It depends on your text-messaging plan.

DISCLOSURE 2: Unfortunately Twitter stopped paying the bill for SMS sent from the UK number.
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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