To do it, we'll have to rely on tarpipe, a cool app that lets you upload data to multiple services. For instance, you may want to send photos to flickr and to photobucket. Tarpipe lets you do that.
Before we start, you should read this excellent primer.
Now, you need to have an account on twitter, jaiku and pownce. So go get one. If you need, I can probably send you an invite (still got some).
Then, you'll need to ask pretty please, so that the tarpipe staff provides you with a developer's account (the service is still in alpha).
Once you're in, you just need to create a new workflow. Workflows are pretty similar to Yahoo!Pipe's. I like to call them "pipes" as an homage to the linux vertical bar (|) pipe command. The difference is that, this time, tarpipe follows a one to many philosophy, contrasting with the one-to-one followed by yahoo!pipe.
Build a workflow similar to the one below. You simply connect a REST connector to a twitter, a pownce and a jaiku connector. I linked the "title" element from the REST connector to the micro-blogging services. Once you're through with the connectors, give your workflow a title, a description and choose the REST receptor.

Now, if you still haven't done it, go to your accounts settings and provide to tarpipe with access to all your three accounts at twitter, pownce and jaiku.

Finally, you can just drag and drop this (

Now, if you click on the bookmarklet, you'll get a new browser window asking you for a text message. Submit it by clicking the "pipe" button and, loo, your message is delivered, presto, on twitter, jaiku and pownce all at once! Enjoy ;)
Here's the extended code for this bookmarklet, if you're interested in getting deeper into bookmarklets...
javascript:'','Tarpipe micro-post','width=800,height=150');
popd.write('<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">');
popd.write('<p><input type="text" size="90" name="title" value="%s '+location.href+'"/></p>');
popd.write('<p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="pipe"/></p>');
Some final notes: if you don't use the bookmarklet stuff, and instead would rather more email the micro-post, then simply use the Mail connector instead of the REST connector, and then choose email as the receptor. This way, the workflow (aka "pipe") will return you an email address instead of an API key, where you can send your micro-post via the subject or the body of the email.
I personally would have preferred a REST API with GETs instead of POSTs, but, hey, I shouldn't complain so much. After all, it works!
Some new useful workflows, greatly inspired by Bruno Pedro and Tiago Rodrigues, are "sending a micro-post with link to twitter, jaiku, and" and "sending an image by mail attachment to evernote, flickr and photobucket, and then broadcast it to twitter, jaiku and".