Sweet, yesterday was BarCampFCT, the third Barcamp in Portugal and my first one ever. I nearly missed it... again! But João Moreno and his crew were really nice for letting me come, on such short notice. You can check out updates on the event from twemes.
People from tarpipe, 7syntax and wizi were present. But, except for wizi, none pitched and submitted their ongoing projects. I was a bit disappointed by that. That meant I had to make some sideline talking to get a word or two from them. I pitched my pet-project point.pt and also did a five-second-rounder Ignite talk on bookmarklets, which I find really cool btw.

Otherwise, I got to meet new and interesting people.
However, I was a little bit disappointed by what people presented. I expected more pitches on projects, ideas (at least we had Halfbaked), hacks and demos! No one shared cool hacks! So sad.
We had long talks about platforms, products and services, talks on how to make a presentation. We even had some evangelization uptime on open standards such as OpenId and OAuth. And finally, a talk on entrepreneurship in Portugal. Oh, yeah, and we kick-started with a talk about FireHol.

Anyway, it was fun and it was nice to see what was on people's minds. All my respects to the organizations and the sponsors (corefactor, sapo.pt, Maria Café), but the real stars were the participants.