The elite bloggers shared their latest findings: Blogbard, and BlogRadioTalk! What a bunch of cool apps!

The first one, Blogbard, is all about providing text-2-voice to RSS feeds. I tried it with this blog, and a couple more, and I found it really cool! The voice matches quite well with the text, and, you get to improve your own punctuation with time. How about that?

I do have only one wish: make the voice 2 text for more languages! So far, it works only for english. But, I'd love to see some portuguese (pt AND br), and some french, soon. In the meantime, please enjoy! Here's this site with voice!

The second cool app is blogtalkradio. Users simply make a call, provide some speech, end the call, period. Then they can listen to their recorded voice in an instant podcast from an RSS feed at So simple! Truly great! Wishlist: Make this app in Portugal.

So there you go; two great apps showing a new generation of applications build on top of RSS feeds. Indeed, as the semantic web thrives on (RSS, Microformats, opml, and others), and new disruptive web-enabled devices, such as iPhones, Chumbys, and what not, start to appear, smart people, all over the world, immediately build new trends on top of them.

Hence, a new disruptive trend has just kickstarted: the rss to voice and the voice to rss. For your blog, and, for your iPhone! Boy, the web doesn't stops. Look at it go, wow!

I'd just would like to make a comment to all portuguese startupers and entrepreneurs: creating a version of both of these for the portuguese market could work. Maybe, with a slowstart first, but it will eventually thrive... Think about it. Please.

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