The search, ad and internet giant announced a location finder for mobile phones that don't have Global Positioning System (GPS). It's called Google Maps with My Location and, as the name tells us, it's an utility built on top of Google Maps that displays the mobile owner's location on Google Maps, just by pressing the '0' button on the mobile phone. How? Simple: with the aid of a cell tower location database. Indeed, each mobile phone knows which cell tower it's communicating with, in a nearby area, as it provides the phone with a unique cell tower id (like the physical mac addresses of ethernet cards). That way, Google can simply locate any mobile phone within a 1000 meters radius approximately.
This technique is not new at all. In fact, Yahoo already had implemented a similar feature with ZoneTag. ZoneTag allowed mobile phone users to automatically geotag their snapshots prior to sending them to Flickr. Neat, uh?
This feature is mind-blowing (though I already anticipated that for months now). When you think of advertisement, think of geotargeted ads! Now THAT'S powerful!
But that's not all! Google's also trying to implement a neat 2dbarcode reader called ZXing using mobile phones built-in low-quality ccd cameras. Check out this post! This mobile-web-app (mweb-app) allows mobile phone owners to "scan" a product's 2dbarcode with their ccd camera and in return, the mweb-app would return the mweb-page related to the good. Now isn't this cool? Think of linking this to an ebay or craigslist, asking for a cheaper web-shop for the product, presto! It appears the 2dbarcode technology combined with mobile phone built-in camera has been existing for years now in Japan (the nÂș1 country in mobile web usage). That is mind-blowing in my game.
Wait, I haven't finished! Google's also recently announced the Android platform and Open Hanset Alliance, most of you have already heard all about it. Check out this video from Google founder, Sergey Brin himself:
Hey, but there's more! Google wants to get more 2.0, as in more social. That certainly was Google's Achille's Heel from my point of view. Google never really created any social network other than developper's networks (ok, excepted for YouTube, and maybe Orkut). Something that Yahoo! proved a lot better at, if you consider Flickr and So Google launched the Open Social Platform SDK to call third party developers to build social apps related with google services. Also, the mysharedstuff was released to share bookmarks between igooglers or gmailers. Also, MyMaps has gone a lot more social now as well, if you care to take a look.
So, basically, Google's tracing two ways in the near-term: one is getting his web-apps (documents, gmail, reader, picasaweb, shared stuff) more social - the Yahoo way. And two is... going Mobile! mWeb's coming! Whether its on expensive iPhones whether its on cheap ad-paid low-cost Android based regular mphones, you'd better get ready if you want to get a chunk at it early!
Either way, my life's going to take another gentle twist in a good way. What about yours, what do you think?
Technorati Tags: web2.0, mweb, google, yahoo, zonetag, mylocation, mymaps, mysharedstuff, android, ZXing, open social
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