SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search - Find. Discover. Watch. Listen. Share.


So it was! The first WebCamp in Lisbon. Got little attendance however. But still we had FUN! Basically we now know better how to share RSS feeds, use twitter and twitter-bots, discovered the Yahoo Open Shortcuts, and last, but not least, elected the best music searching engine unanimously: it's called Seeqpod. It basically does exactly what I expect a music search engine should do: it finds exactly the music I wanted; it allows me to store it (or its reference at least) in a playlist. I can instantly create as many playlists as I want. If I don't find some music I have or know where it is, I can submit its url. I can share my playlists with my friends (by email). I can easily embed my playlists in webpages. I can develop more on top of Seeqpod with its API. Finally, it's free as in Freedom (and as in free beer as well, which is nice). Five stars to these nice folks :)
It's been years that I've been searching EXACTLY for this service. Kasian Franks, if you're reading this, you're da man bro!


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Back in 2005 I was really excited about the web2.0 concepts, the web-based APIs, mashups, and all the new publishing tools that was later to be known by 2008 as "social-media".
Somebody wrote a while ago:

Google is an advertising company that builds popular services that command large audiences.

To which I add:

Apple is a leisure company that builds popular media-platforms that command large audiences of media-consumers.
I just got accepted to the most awesome workshop in the whole world, organized right here in Lisbon, the Codebits 2010, promoted by,

I'll be staying three days, in a row, in a big room packed with free wifi and free cable net access, unlimited free pizza, free cokes, free chocolate bars and
One of the biggest pain in the butt after an exciting conference/workshop/meeting is inputing all your fresh new contacts business cards info into your digital mail/phonebook. This is a problem. An unsolved one too.
Android is for tasks, life-hacks, body-hacks, and Chrome is for organized data, information.

At some point in the foreseeable future I expect to see an elegant merger where a next-gen browser will be the sole platform.
Hello all, it's been a while since my last post. These last months were spent mostly dedicated to finish my unfinished thesis - Ever heard of PhD comics? No? Well, it works better than Dilbert for me. Here's a nice one ...
The ipad is probably more expensive than the Chrome OS... but the browser experience is better, much better. I'm bending towards buying an iPad for my mom, so that she'll start using a computer, finally! She bought a laptop because she wanted to get in touch with her kids and friends through gmail.
My mom sure could use one of those Google PCs.

She's a veteran school teacher. She doesn't like using computers and hates the fact that she has to configure them for the wifi connection.
Update: if you want to check out what is cloud-computing in a secured sandboxed environment please follow this link.

When I first started this blog, I wanted to make a statement about my vision regarding the future of computing. I called this new thing the webtop. That was back in 2006.
Hi, I'm testing a javascript based syntax highlighter for this blog.
Google just launched earlier this week the new google mobile app with voice search. Now, we always went extatic in this blog, whenever a new web-based app with text-to-voice or voice-to-text features would come around.
Last week I went to codebits, the 24/3 hackers contest organized by the portal And it was awesome! I had loads of fun, learned tons of stuff, met a bunch of new and interesting people, worked on my tech social network, etc, etc...
Last week I went to, a conference about new technologies, society and the web, organized and sponsored by There I've acquainted a bit more with Pedro Custódio and his team/friends, as well as a whole new bunch of very interesting people.
Here's an excerpt of a mail (addressee anonymacy kept) I wrote today that tells a long way about what are my expectations on shift, the web2.0 and society conference happening in Lisbon the 15th, 16th and 17th October 2008.

Dear Mr.
Wordle is an instant, genuine, original, art creating engine that leverages on the single most creative content originator on the whole galaxy: YOU.

Wordle is BEAUTIFUL because YOU are BEAUTIFUL.
One of the interesting things about web-wired mobile devices, is the ability to quickly geolocate the user, either by GPS, either by cell-tower antenna id, either by networked wifi ip.
Google just launched today their new open-source browser called Chrome. They're now adding a new element to the browser wars along with IE, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera. This is a really smart move from Google towards building their Google OS.
Evernote is an interesting web service that stores all your notes, audio-notes, and snapshots and archives them for you. It then allows you to perform text search on them, even inside images.
In this post I will show you how to subscribe to twitter to receive free sms alerts on your cell phone. You can receive live soccer goals, weather forecasts, traffic alerts, the IST canteen menu, you name it ...

Today was the WWDC, the famous Apple keynote by Steve Jobs at the Moscone center.
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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