John Battelle's blog post over music search.

I would like to join, though a bit late, this conversation ... a conversation about copyright; music copyright in particular.

I follow the approach endeavoured by Richard Stallman (you know, the guy who coined the expressions "GNU's not Unix", and "free as in Freedom, not free beer"). I believe that a single GPL license should be given to the whole of the internet - and I really mean the WHOLE of the internet -; in particular to whatever media file (music or video) you find there.

Why? Well, because I think it's the most natural way to go.

You must remember that systems adjust to technology. Imagine musicians of the 18th century. They could not record their music.

SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search - Find. Discover. Watch. Listen. Share.

So it was! The first WebCamp in Lisbon. Got little attendance however. But still we had FUN! Basically we now know better how to share RSS feeds, use twitter and twitter-bots, discovered the Yahoo Open Shortcuts, and last, but not least, elected the best music searching engine unanimously: it's called Seeqpod.

Update: Leiam e editem o wiki para compor o programa (login:wikiguest; pass:wikiguest).

É com muito gosto que anuncio o #1 Web-Camp de Lisboa, Portugal!

Irá decorrer este fim de semana de 21 a 22 de Julho, no 2º andar-direito do prédio 77 da rua Lopes em Lisboa (no Alto de São João, ao pé do largo do cemitério). Devido às limitações das instalações, a entrada é limitada por convite recursivo.

An Antic Disposition: Math markup marked down

The following is an open-letter addressed to the portuguese comittee responsible to evaluate Microsoft's proposal of turning OOXML as an ISO. They are going to debate tomorrow the issue and take a decision. Problem is that one of the members of the comittee works for Microsoft-Portugal. This will probably have a negative impact on the fairness of the decision but I'm only speculating.

Revolution OS

This documentary film about the birth of Open-Source dates back to 2001. But it still is the most interesting document I've seen about open-source. All the major actors from the pre-Google era are presented.

Google Mobile

Here it is folks, Google's reply to Twitter: Google SMS.

If you're a US, Spanish, Canadian, German resident then you can dial "GOOGLE" and send an SMS with a query. Seconds later you should get a reply with your answers. As I'm a Portuguese resident, I can only play with the web-based emulated version of the service and can only dream about Portugal being finally accessed with such a service ...

Griflet's Code Snippets

This one is an interesting bookmarklet. It translates the current web-page into another language. It's activated from the address bar. Simply add this link

to your bookmarks. Then edit its properties and fill the keyword field with 'tr'.
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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