1. Twitter / euromillions

    Ok, ok, I confess ... I'm just a bit bot-feverish, with the twitter bot fever that is.

    Here's the latest creation: the euromillions lottery results from lottery24 rss feed. Every friday night, 9 pm lisbon local time, sharp.

    The script is basically similar to the twitter/weatherlisbon one.

    NOTE: I'm encountering a very strange bug with randomize-lines AND unsort scheduled in crontab: they don't work, they return null values. But when I run the scripts from the command line, they work perfectly. Strange no?

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  2. Technorati Profile

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  3. Twitter / marvin_bot

    Loo and behold, it's Marvin, the paranoid android! What's he doing at Twitter? Find out and add him as your friend.

    This has got to be the most geeky stuff I made in my whole life! Currently I'm reading "the Hichhiker's guide to the galaxy", a sci-fi comedy by Douglas Adams; and it's great reading. One of the characters is Marvin, the paranoid android; a depressed robot who keeps getting everybody down. :)

    There's a lot of hitchhikers fans out there, so I gathered some quotations from Marvin (mythical!), encapsulated them in a text file, a quote per line, and casted a little bash script. I tweet them randomly one at a time, twice a day. I expect to cast some smiles.
    UPDATE: For the more tech-savvy readers, I did some slight modifications to the weatherlisbon script. And I also used randomize-lines (rl command) to generate the random line.

    BTW, if you want to see some more quotations from Marvin, just toss them in and I'll add them to my list.

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  4. Twitter / weatherlisbon

    Twitter is a fairly recent social short messaging system. It allows to send short messages to a network of friends via instant messaging (IM) services, sms-es, and the twitter web-site itself.
    Twitter begs for folks to do inventive mashups like twittervision.

    Thus I wrote a small script in bash that checks for the weather in Lisbon from a BBC weather forecast feed and sends it to twitter. I called this script a twitter-bot-agent. The agent's name is weatherlisbon. If you're registered in Twitter then you can add "him" to your friends and every morning at 6am Lisbon time you'll be twitted with the lisbon weather for the day.
    Comment: In fact I was scooped, and other folks already had this idea. But as far as I can see this is the only bot tweeting the daily weather for lisbon. Go check out more bots at http://www.retweet.com/.

    You can check out the script explained in this wiki or here below:

    #! /bin/sh
    #BBC Lisbon weather id

    #BBC weather RSS feed address


    #temporary file

    #Weather twitter bot

    #Read the RSS feed and filter it
    #Careful with this long one-liner. Blogger may have corrupted it. Thanks to LordRich for pointing that out.
    curl $feed 2>&1 | grep 'title' | tail -n 1 | perl -wlne'm/title>(.*)<\/title/i && print $1' | sed -e "s/&#xB0;//g" > $tmpfile

    #Read the forecast into a weather variable
    read weather < $tmpfile

    #Twit the weather variable away
    curl --basic --user $twitbot --data status="$weather" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml

    UPDATE: the script is better viewed at snippets.dzone.

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  5. Catching loose MP3s with Greasemonkey and del.icio.us


    Out with the old way (buh! :( ). No more reading boring documents when we want to learn stuff.

    In with the new way (yeay!! :D). Here's an interesting video of a lifehack using greasemonkey, del.icio.us and their inline mp3 flash player.

    Btw. I know of a way of altering the user script so it works on Opera as well ;)
    Ask for it in the comments and I might tell you how.

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  6. Google Gears API Developer's Guide - Home

    Ok, this news is particularly interesting for developpers. Web-apps developpers.

    Google announced last week, at the Where 2.0 conference, it's new offline API for web applications.

    It's called Google Gears and it's an extension for your browser (IE or Firefox only, so far).

    It allows to download a whole website previously "Google Geared" and to use it offline.

    Then, when all your work is done and ready to save for posterity, simply go online by clicking on a link on the site and Google Gear will sync all your changes for you.

    Google Reader is the first web-app that uses the Gear. I've tried it, and I can tell you that it rocks. Now I can watch all my 50 daily feeds offline (on the train, on the plane, at the cafe, etc...).

    However, Google's not the only company who's been developping such an extension for the browsers. I remember the Dojo Offline Toolkit guys. In fact, here's a video explaining all about what's offline( Yeay!! :D ):


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  7. Video: RSS in Plain English | Common Craft - Social Design for the Web

    Before, people used an old way to learn stuff. Usually they would go like reading a book about the subject, or reading a document. So uncool! Buuhh! :(

    But now there's a new way! Now you can learn stuff just by watching funny and interesting videos on the subject. Yeaayy!!! :D

    So here it is, a funny and interesting video from Commoncraft about RSS in plain english. Yeaayy!! :)


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  8. YouTube - Wikis in Plain English


    As you all know, the old way of learning stuff was all about reading a book or a document. Buuuhh! :(

    But now there's a new way! Now you can learn all you want just by watching funny and interesting videos at Commoncraft. Yeayy!!!

    So, here's an interesting video explaining all about wikis! Yeayyy!!


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  9. tagclouds from del.icio.us at Kevan.org

    del.icio.us username:

    Here's my del.icio.us tagcloud as of June 1st, 2007.

    You can check yours here.

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  10. Is Last.fm the radio of the futur?

    In the meantime, I get to hear the radio station created by a melomane friend of mine. Interesting.


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