Twitter / marvin_bot
Loo and behold, it's Marvin, the paranoid android! What's he doing at Twitter? Find out and add him as your friend.
This has got to be the most geeky stuff I made in my whole life! Currently I'm reading "the Hichhiker's guide to the galaxy", a sci-fi comedy by Douglas Adams; and it's great reading. One of the characters is Marvin, the paranoid android; a depressed robot who keeps getting everybody down. :)
There's a lot of hitchhikers fans out there, so I gathered some quotations from Marvin (mythical!), encapsulated them in a text file, a quote per line, and casted a little bash script. I tweet them randomly one at a time, twice a day. I expect to cast some smiles.
UPDATE: For the more tech-savvy readers, I did some slight modifications to the weatherlisbon script. And I also used randomize-lines (rl command) to generate the random line.
BTW, if you want to see some more quotations from Marvin, just toss them in and I'll add them to my list.
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