Google Gears API Developer's Guide - Home

Ok, this news is particularly interesting for developpers. Web-apps developpers.

Google announced last week, at the Where 2.0 conference, it's new offline API for web applications.

It's called Google Gears and it's an extension for your browser (IE or Firefox only, so far).

It allows to download a whole website previously "Google Geared" and to use it offline.

Then, when all your work is done and ready to save for posterity, simply go online by clicking on a link on the site and Google Gear will sync all your changes for you.

Google Reader is the first web-app that uses the Gear. I've tried it, and I can tell you that it rocks. Now I can watch all my 50 daily feeds offline (on the train, on the plane, at the cafe, etc...).

However, Google's not the only company who's been developping such an extension for the browsers. I remember the Dojo Offline Toolkit guys. In fact, here's a video explaining all about what's offline( Yeay!! :D ):


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Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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