Meet Charlie - what is Enterprise2.0? � SlideShare

Well, I can't express enough my relief of seeing that maybe I'm not that crazy after all. Of course, I'm fully aware of my mental sanity. But maybe the others aren't.
Web 2.0 at SlideShare

Here's a presentation I made today at Aksen, a small e-learning and web-solutions enterprise, from remixed buzz-words from the Web2.0 scene

Am I becoming a Web2.0 evangelist?
This sacred text, written by some unknown hagiographer, pretends to depict the theory of Creation of the Fundamental Search Engine and how it was conceived by the gods. The original texts are thought to have been translated from a lost page somewhere near the end of the internet at babelfish.
YubNub -

Ok, forget the last post, forget opendns, here's the real thing that already exists for nearly two years now.
A simple pre-operational model for the portuguese coast � SlideShare:

I discovered this great site to publish ppt and pdf slides.
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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