It is quite easy to embed special html code that allows you to plug-in videos (youtube, google), photos (picasaweb, flickr), audio (gmail, odeo) in blogs and wikis.

It is better even when you get a quick javascript hack of a URL combined with simple forms like BlogThis! or GoogleBookmarkThis! or GoogleReaderSubscribe! that make this embedment seamless.

Here are the ideas:
WikiMedia extensions:
a) YouTube extension (done)
b) Odeo extension (bug)
c) Google Video extension
d) Gmail mp3 player extension

Javascript urls to be added to the web browser's personal toolbar:
a) WikiThis! Automatically opens in your predefined wiki a new article untitled with the selected word from the document. Body text already contains the document's URL as an external reference.
b) CiteThis! Automatically opens a form for the Citation site idea I had the other day, in the same "genre" as GoogleBookmarkThis!. The form's main textbox contains the full bibtex citation from Google Scholar, and its tag's textbox allows for the user to tag its citation.

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Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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